Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sugared Corn Puffs

I first had this recipe a few years ago at a friends house. Honestly the very first time I had it, I thought it tasted like sugared styrafoam, which I know isn't a great review, but the second time (and third, and fourth and fifth, ect.) I had it I loved it. It is really good. I think the recipe has made it around our town, because it seems like at least one person brings it to us each Christmas. You can make it anytime, but it seems to be more of a Christmas treat. I know you might die when you see the amount of butter and sugar in this recipe, but it is worth making. Just share it with someone else. Lots of people say they can't find these puffs in their store and I'm not sure why, but it is in our grocery store and I know I've seen them at our Walmart, so I guess if you can't find them, make a trip to Wyoming!!
Sugared Corn Puffs

1 lb. butter (4 cubes)
2 c. sugar
1 c. light corn syrup
1 c. cashews (opt)
1 lg. bag corn puffs (16 oz)

Bring butter, sugar, and corn syrup to a low boil for 5 minutes. Pour corn puffs into a large bowl. Pour sugar mixture over puffs and mix well. (If you divided the corn puffs into two bowls it makes it easier to mix). For small bag (8 oz), half the recipe. Cool and enjoy.

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